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Public Endpoints


A selection of endpoints are available without authentication—these never contain any sensitive information and do not return live data.

They are useful for illustrative or marketing purposes; for example, displaying an animated map of Mevo vehicles within a city. The public API endpoints are also a perfect resource for testing the API and familiarising yourself with its usage.

Mevo Parking Map Screenshot of an example map using the MapboxGL JS SDK

API examples are shown for data from for Wellington, New Zealand. Endpoints for other cities will be available as Mevo expands to offer services there.


All public endpoints are on the /public base path, which is not versioned.

Requests do not require any authentication.


The public API endpoints return JSON with a permissive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header to allow them to be used by client-side Javascript.

Read more about the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header here.

The public API endpoints will return data in a manner designed for display, rather than processing. For example:

  • Flex Zones are returned as formatted GeoJSON rather than their component polygons.
  • Vehicles are returned in a GeoJSON Feature Collection for easy display on a single map layer.
  • Responses will not include identifying information such as ids or vehicle makes, models, etc.
  • Data is cached and obfuscated; for example, the number of results from the Vehicles endpoint is not the same as the actual number of available vehicles, and the position of the pins does not reflect the live position of a vehicle.

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